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Characteristics of silicone oil

1. Versatile: Silicone oil is incredibly adaptable, finding use in various industries due to its diverse properties.

2. High Thermal Stability: It can withstand a wide range of temperatures without degrading.

3. Non-Toxic: Often prized for its low toxicity, especially in applications involving the human body.

4. Chemically Inert: It doesn't react with many substances, making it ideal for various chemical environments.

5. Dielectric Properties: Valuable in electrical applications due to its insulating properties.
6. Viscosity: Its viscosity can be modified to suit specific requirements in different industries.
7. Water Repellent: Silicone oil is highly resistant to water, making it useful in waterproofing applications.
8. Biocompatible: Often used in medical applications due to its compatibility with the human body.
9. Surface Tension: Low surface tension allows it to spread easily, making it useful as a surfactant or lubricant.

10.Oxidation Resistance: It's highly resistant to oxidation, maintaining its properties over time.

These attributes make silicone oil a highly sought-after material in various fields, from cosmetics to engineering and beyond.

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